German Player Plants Malware at Live Tourneys?

German Player Plants Malware at Live Tourneys?
London-based German uses malware to cheat A disturbing news about dishonesty at live tourneys emerged this week when it was reported that a German player has been planting malware into other players' laptops at live tournaments, in order to cheat them in future online competitions. Reportedly, thanks to the malware, the London-based German named as Maximilian A is able to see the hole cards of his opponents in subsequent matches. So far, at least two European players have been affected, losing $350 000 and $40 000 to the cheater whose real identity still remains a mystery, despite the speculations that it may actually be Max Ashkar, a high stakes online player who uses the handle "mexx86". It has also been reported that the two victims cornered "Maximilian A" in his hotel room, where they claim he confessed, although he later denying it to the police. So far, the number of victims remains unknown. Reportedly, everyone leaving their laptops unattended could be affected, as the malware was installed via USB in a matter of seconds.
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