Federal Online Poker Legalization Not Reality?

Federal Online Poker Legalization Not Reality?
It's been much talk and little action regarding the allegedly renewed federal attempt to legalize online poker through the US Congress, on which Nevada Senators Harry Reid and Dean Heller held discussions this week. According to Sen. Joe Heck, a federal solution should be done "sooner rather than later", but there's still a question whether any process is actually under way to produce a poker bill before it's too late for a federal solution. At present, it seems less than likely the answer is 'yes'. Another person expressed skepticism regarding a federal solution - Caesars exec Jan Jones who assessed that the chances were not good beyond June-July. “At the rate states are moving now, this is not just about the federal bill anymore. It's not happening in a solo universe. You're safer to think it's in a holding pattern. That doesn't mean it couldn't change,” she said. It was also noted by other experts that the more states legalize, the less necessary a federal solution will be, as with too many state systems it would be hard to address them all into any new federal law.
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