The Luckiest Seat

The Luckiest Seat

There are lucky seats at poker tables.

There's no question about that. Certain players reserve their seats because the believe in those lucky seats. I think it pays off to believe in a lucky sea and to play the game as though you have one.

I have been known to switch my seat, not once, but several times in the course of a game. One reason I switch is because of my vision. Some seats are not well lighted and I make sure I can see my cards well before I sit down.


ff you are playing Omaha High-Low, you want your first cards to be an ace, preferably with a deuce. If those cards come often, you are sitting at a lucky seat Nobody can play Omaha High-Low we when you are dealt nine's an ten's. You have to do something exceptional to change your luck.

Now this is psychological, of course. But then most of poker is psychological. As long as I can control my seat and the deal, I am generally in good shape.. The other evening, for example, I hanged seats thee tims before I found a comfortable one. After that, I could not beaten.

Of course when you play in a poker tournament, you are stuck in the seat you are assigned. All you can hopefor is that the dealer will properly 'wash' the deck to make it work for you. Good dealers understand this an will wash the deck often to keep he players happy.

Altering chance is not an easy task. You must walk the road very carefully.

Oddsmakers say each player receives the same approximate number of good cards. It's what you do with those cards that makes the diference.

When you have a premium hand, don't hesitate. Strike. That hand could be the difference in your having a wining or losing session.

Some evenings none of the seats will work for you. If You are hving that kind of night, stop playing. It will be difficult, but that is my best advice to you. y laving the ame, you coud stp a losing streak from developing.

Try to control your hands at the table. Do everything within your power to control them. If you succeed, the cards will take care of themselves.

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