Update: Hollywood Director Files for Dismissal of Charges

Texas Hold'em not illegal under Californian law, claims Cassavetes There has been much talk about the lawsuit against famous Hollywood Director Nick Cassavetes due to his connection to an alleged illegal gambling ring in the US. New info arrived this week about this case, reporting that the director has filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought by the bankruptcy trustees of Brad Ruderman a hedge fund investor, who is currently in jail for leading the poker sessions losing millions of dollars of investor money. In his motion, Cassavetes claims that Californian law only prohibits banking or percentage games singling out roulette, blackjack, hokey-pokey and others, without specifying Texas Hold'em as one of them. Apart from Cassavetes, some of the famous names mentioned in relation to the high stakes Texas Hold'em poker sessions include Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Gabe Kaplan.
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