New Poker Site Struggles to Raise Funds

Nov 25, 2014
New Poker Site Struggles to Raise Funds
Even with the support of poker pro such as Johnny Chan, Huck Seed, Jennifer Harman, Ted Forrest, Todd Brunson and Vladimir Shchemelev, a new online poker site struggles to obtain funding and may need to look into other sources of capital. Breakout Gaming, a Bitcoin currency site which also offers its own crypto-currency known as Breakout Coin, launched in September 2014 and has received 387 BTC (approximately $136,000) toward its 1,000 BTC ($350,000) goal. “We're building a gaming property whose sole purpose is to support the value of the coin”, CMO for Breakout, Gian Perroni said. “What will make the coin successful is if the gaming is successful, and what makes the gaming successful is the fact that we have a blend of excellent products and very, very good experienced personnel.” Perroni said that Breakout Gaming has plans to apply for a Kahnawake Gaming Commission license allowing it to boost marketing in target markets.
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